Style Profiles: Chris Curran.

Name: Chris Curran (@thisisallihavenow)
Age: 26
Position: Bartender
Jeans: CS-100x

I hail from…
Stafford, Virginia.
I’m currently working on…
teaching my old beagle Buddy how to sit.
My favorite meal is…
Shrimp tacos with guacamole from Don’t Look Back in Richmond.

I collect…
knickknacks from the places I’ve been! Mugs, fridge magnets, keychains. Some of my favorites are the fridge magnets other people have gotten me from their trips. They’re small and cheesy, but they mean a lot to me.
The last thing I read was…
A Very Expensive Poison by Luke Harding.
The best way to relax is…
Getting out and moving around. Taking my dog for a walk until we’re both ready for a nap is my favorite.

The last piece of advice given to me was…
From my wonderful girlfriend. She told me that there’s nothing I should be embarrassed about when it comes to being myself and doing what I like.
One place I would love to visit is…
The UK! I think I have some distant relatives there that I’d love to meet.
In 20 years I hope to be…
upright, inspired, and ready to take that first step out the door every day.