Style Profiles: Dylan Hughes.
Photos: Alec Campbell
Name: Dylan Hughes (@filitor__)
Age: 24
Profession: Return-top aficionado
Pants: French Blue Back Satin Fatigues & Olive Chinos
I hail from…
California's Central Coast (Atascadero).
I’m currently working on…
writing more about clothes I like and learning my friend Alec's yo-yo tricks.
My favorite meal is…
a feast from Forever Taste, Spicy Village, or Wu's Wonton.
I collect…
yo-yos, vintage garments, and tattoos.
The last thing I read was…
"All About Love" by Bell Hooks, reading "Just Kids" by Patti Smith currently.
Presently, I’m listening to…
the "Blank Check" podcast and soundtracks from my favorite movies.
The best way to unwind is…
going into your version of "low power mode." For me, that's been throwing a yo-yo followed by sitting down with an easily rewatchable movie (Boogie Nights most recently).
The last piece of advice given to me was…
remember what the Buddha said: "Take the middle path."
One place I would love to visit is…
Okayama, Japan or Mykonos, Greece.
In 20 years I hope to be…
wearing some of the same clothes around the same friends.