Team Profiles: Brandon DaConceicao.

Name: Brandon DaConceicao
Department: Retail
Jeans: CT-100xk

What album are you currently listening to?
There’s a couple albums I’ve kept on rotation as of late. I’ve been really into Case Study 01 by Daniel Ceasar and Anima by Thom Yorke.
3sixteen aside, what are some of your favorite brands?
Orslow has continuously produced pieces that look and feel amazing. Aside from 3sixteen, Orslow takes up a large portion of my closet. Real McCoys is another brand that takes vintage reproductions to another level. Their attention to detail is something that I have an immense amount of respect for.

You just found $100 on the street - what are you blowing it on?
A nice dinner. If I found $100 in NYC, I’d hit up Wildair and have dessert twice. If I found the $100 in LA, I’d go to Dune. The fried chicken is insane!
What’s one embarrassing habit of yours?
I get easily distracted. I could be explaining something to you and then mid-sentence, I’ll point out an interesting plant or I might even take notice to the shoes you’re wearing while I’m giving you a recommendation on a lunch spot!

Any hobbies or side projects you are currently pursuing?
I grew up playing soccer and before I got into the clothing industry, I was a coach for many years. Still, to this day I love learning about the game and on my off days, I love learning about team tactics and player psychology.
What’s your favorite piece from FW19?
My favorite FW19 piece is the black boiled wool fatigue overshirt. By far, this is my favorite 3sixteen silhouette. It’s a versatile piece that looks good with just a t-shirt underneath or another collared shirt. Last winter, I wore an FW17 version of the Fatigue Overshirt with our Double Black Type 3s on top. It was perfect for our California winters.

A friend is visiting LA - what three spots are you sending them to eat at?
Yang Chow for Chinese food, Dune for Mediterranean, and LA Rose for Filipino Cuisine.