Team Profiles: David Furness.

Name: David Furness (@chromeballed)
Department: Retail
Jeans: CS-100xk, CS-101xs

What albums are you currently listening to?
The Unseen - Quasimoto
The Midnight Life - DJ Quik (Thanks Roland)
Free Nationals - Free Nationals
Faces - Mac Miller
The Velvet Underground and Nico - The Velvet Underground
3sixteen aside, what are some of your favorite brands?
I'm a fan of anything made by Wesley Scott whether it's 3s, Mount Sunny, or one of his own projects. Evan Kinori and Nanamica are two of my favorites out right now as well. 4sdesigns has a really cool and unique perspective, and Margaret Howell consistently produces some phenomenal knitwear.

You just found $100 on the street - what are you blowing it on?
I'm taking all my friends to La Cita Bar and buying the first round.
What’s one embarrassing habit of yours?
I bite my nails when I'm really nervous, it's my number one pet peeve. Masks during Covid have definitely helped curb that.

Any hobbies or side projects you are currently pursuing?
I'm always playing soccer, and am currently trying to get back into reading consistently. One Hundred Years of Solitude is the most recent book I've read that blew me away, and I love Kurt Vonnegut.
What’s your favorite piece from FW21?
For myself? I'll be wearing the Wool Tweed Camp Shirt whenever it's cold enough. With that being said, this batch of Crosscut Flannels feels better than any other one I've handled in the past. We really outdid ourselves this time.

A friend is visiting LA - what three spots are you sending them to eat at?
Nem Nuong Khanh Hoa for a bowl of vermicelli.
Los Cinco Puntos for a pound of carnitas and some fresh tortillas.
Aloha Food Factory for the crucial Hawaiian breakfast after a long night out.